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配备有动态轴向压缩柱的制备系统使得操作者自行装柱成为可能,而且该方式装填的色谱柱,其柱效和使用寿命都是常规色谱柱无法比拟的!因此,该系统特别适用于大规模生产。Autonomous designed system benefit for customers to pack column themselves.This system can finish separation procedure from orugh product to end product including quality inspecting and evaluating. Totell you a truth, you will get the most of gain if you are in possession of this DAC system!
序号 说明 1 P6000型高压输液泵,1000ml不锈钢泵头*1 -1
2 UV6000型紫外/可见光检测器,制备型流通池 -1
3 CXTH-3000色谱工作站软件 -1
4 轴向压缩柱系统启动工具包 -1
5 制备启动工具包 -1
6 进样切换阀*2 -1
7 馏分收集阀 -1
8 动态轴向压缩柱*3 -1
备注:*1根据用户需求可配置100ml、250ml、500ml、1000ml、3000ml、5000ml的泵*2 进样方式根据需求可以选用单独的进样泵,或者在溶剂泵前添加进样切换阀*3 动态轴向压缩色谱柱根据用户需求定制
Ordering Details:
No. Description 1 P6000 HPLC pump,1000ml pump head (stainless steel)*1 -1
2 UV6000 UV-VIS Detector with preparative flow cell -1
3 CXTH-3000 Chromatography workstation -1
4 Starter-kit for DAC system -1
5 Starter- kit, preparative -1
6 Switching valve for sample injection*2 -1
7 Fraction collection valve -1
8 Dynamic Axial Compression column*3 -1
Note: *1 For the variable size of Columns, the pump heads are available upon user’s request. Pump heads type: 100,250,500,1000,2000ml/min,3000 and 5000.*2 Injection method: stand-alone injection pump or Fraction collection valve before solvent pump is available upon customer’s request.*3 The DAC columns can be produced according to customer’s requirement.
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